Get fish out of display


Best method to get a smart a$$ fish out of the display tank.
He harasses some of my other fish excessively. What do I mean by excessively, when I tried catching the aggressor with a net one fish swam into the net willingly, another swam into my hand looking for protection.
I want to get him out of the display I used a box trap before for 10 days and then I finally caught him. I placed him in my sump for 45 days, everyone at home said he was in solitary confinement. Once he was out of "jail" he went back into the display and in 4 days he was back at it.
for this fish the box trap is going to be a no go, but I still need him out of my display.
I am probably going to need to remove corals, bta, live rock to get to him.
any suggestions as to making this as painless a process as possible for both me and livestock. I have 18 gallon totes to put live rock in. I am not sure if I should put corals in different containers?


Premium member
What kind of fish and size . I use egg crate that has a big door cut in it and stick it in corner use string to conect door so it like a drawbridge the egg crate goes from bottom of tank to top . Then i sit back on couch with string let the fish swim in and out for a while so everyone thinks its safe then bam pull string gate goes up i secure string to hold door tight then scoop fish out with net . One time i caught every fish at one time with one pull lol . For smaller fish i had to use clear netting on the egg crate to keep them from swimming through holes


Premium member
Ps there a video on here of it some where idk how to use search thing never works for me
I use a fish trap. I put the trap in the tank and stop feeding the fish at the same time. It usually takes 2-3 days for the most stubborn fish to go after the food in the trap and get caught.


I did the fish trap I tried for 10 days. I finally caught him in the end, but it was a pain .
I think I'm going to try cornering him in a section of the tank with egg crate.


New member
I've had very good success using a water bottle by cutting the top off and inverting it into the body of the bottle. Put a little food in the bottle and he'll go right in. Assuming that he'll fit through the bottle opening.