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if the food is too big, they'll spit it out.
hmm ok... it didn't split it out so it must be ok..

after feeding, is it normal for them to seem to "contract" near it's base, then go back to normal, then "contract" again near the top? Is it digesting the krill? Cuz thats what it's doing right now and it's worrying me... haha

EDIT: feed it every other day to get it to grow fast right? or every day?
hmm... that doesn't sound promising but i saw that a few polyps actually opened up earlier in the morning, but it's closed up again :(

better news though, just fed my RBTA a nice piece of krill! I have a question, the frozen krill i got was like half inch long... should it be cut in half for the anemone to eat it easier or will throwing the whole thing in be ok? The RBTA just finished off the krill pretty fast, in like 15 minutes. but the krill i fed the condy anemone got stolen by my coral banded shrimp! :mmph:
Generally a piece of Krill (1/2"-3/4") is not an issue for any but the smallest anemones. If you would like you can chop it up but there is really no reason to with krill. This generally becomes more of an issue when people make the mistake of feeding their E. Quadricolor anemones large pieces of Silverside due to their skeletal structure.

Be very watchful over the tank with 2 anemone species in the same small tank. Chemical warfare is very prevalent in anemones. I would recommend running GAC at all times to prevent any ill effects from flaring up.

You will not want to feed more then every other day. Spot feeding every day will cause a build up of undigested flesh in the gut of the anemone and often this can rot causing death to the anemone.


New member
Don't be in a hurry to make your anemone bigger. Before you know it, your anemone will be too big for your tank, trust me. You actually might regret putting 2 in your tank, because they will get very big. My last one was almost 1foot wide and I had to sell it because it was starting to cover up my other corals. You really only need to feed anemone's about 2-3 times a week. They get alot of their food from light. Plus your clowns will probably try to drop fish food in the anemone too. I actually stopped feeding my anemone when it got big, it was getting enough food from the clowns.
Don't be in a hurry to make your anemone bigger. Before you know it, your anemone will be too big for your tank, trust me. You actually might regret putting 2 in your tank, because they will get very big. My last one was almost 1foot wide and I had to sell it because it was starting to cover up my other corals. You really only need to feed anemone's about 2-3 times a week. They get alot of their food from light. Plus your clowns will probably try to drop fish food in the anemone too. I actually stopped feeding my anemone when it got big, it was getting enough food from the clowns.
Rapidly increasing the size of this BTA is necessary to prevent it from being destroyed by the Maroon Clownfish pair. You can always cut the anemone when it gets to large and sell off the clone. It is actually never necessary to feed an E. Quadricolor but many people do this because they enjoy watching them eat or would like more rapid growth.


New member
Generally a piece of Krill (1/2"-3/4") is not an issue for any but the smallest anemones. If you would like you can chop it up but there is really no reason to with krill. This generally becomes more of an issue when people make the mistake of feeding their E. Quadricolor anemones large pieces of Silverside due to their skeletal structure.

Be very watchful over the tank with 2 anemone species in the same small tank. Chemical warfare is very prevalent in anemones. I would recommend running GAC at all times to prevent any ill effects from flaring up.

You will not want to feed more then every other day. Spot feeding every day will cause a build up of undigested flesh in the gut of the anemone and often this can rot causing death to the anemone.
Hmm, I'm gonna have to watch for that. I didn't think about chemical warfare between the nems. Hope a condy and rbta are fine. And what is GAC? And ok, I'm gonna feed every other day then.

Don't be in a hurry to make your anemone bigger. Before you know it, your anemone will be too big for your tank, trust me. You actually might regret putting 2 in your tank, because they will get very big. My last one was almost 1foot wide and I had to sell it because it was starting to cover up my other corals. You really only need to feed anemone's about 2-3 times a week. They get alot of their food from light. Plus your clowns will probably try to drop fish food in the anemone too. I actually stopped feeding my anemone when it got big, it was getting enough food from the clowns.
Rapidly increasing the size of this BTA is necessary to prevent it from being destroyed by the Maroon Clownfish pair. You can always cut the anemone when it gets to large and sell off the clone. It is actually never necessary to feed an E. Quadricolor but many people do this because they enjoy watching them eat or would like more rapid growth.
Yup, I need to get the anemone to grow quickly right now in order to get to a safer size for the clown pair. For some reason, it was way bigger in the store thank when opened. Is this the nem still acclimating or likely because of the clown pair always on it?

Also, was the whole contracting thing the anemone just digesting? I was really worried about that. It was closed up when it was doing that and now the lights are off, I have no idea of that was normal because it's closed from darkness now for all I know or could something be up?
Hmm, I'm gonna have to watch for that. I didn't think about chemical warfare between the nems. Hope a condy and rbta are fine. And what is GAC? And ok, I'm gonna feed every other day then.

Yup, I need to get the anemone to grow quickly right now in order to get to a safer size for the clown pair. For some reason, it was way bigger in the store thank when opened. Is this the nem still acclimating or likely because of the clown pair always on it?

Also, was the whole contracting thing the anemone just digesting? I was really worried about that. It was closed up when it was doing that and now the lights are off, I have no idea of that was normal because it's closed from darkness now for all I know or could something be up?
They may open/close many times the first week after being put into a new environment. This is their way of doing an internal water change. After the first 7 days if this behavior continues you may have something to worry about. Has the anemone moved significantly since you placed it in the tank?


New member
They may open/close many times the first week after being put into a new environment. This is their way of doing an internal water change. After the first 7 days if this behavior continues you may have something to worry about. Has the anemone moved significantly since you placed it in the tank?
hmm ok... I'll have to keep an eye on it. I just checked on the tank and the lights don't turn on till 10am, but the anemone is already opened much bigger than before.

And not one bit, i read up on placement of the nems and where they like to be so i put the foot in a ditch type thing on the rock because i read they like their foot to be burrowed while stretching out for light. So thats what i did and it seems to like it's spot. Hasn't moved one bit other than to get it's foot completely in the burrow.


New member
New pics!

Im going to get a few nessarius snails for the new sand bed. I added 10lbs of white reef sand to the tank yesterday.

Finally glued the zoas down and took them off the plastic plugs. I used loctite super glue gel and worked great! even in water

the troubling strawberry coral


New member
got some xenia and chaeto from trackfast this morning. stopped by menards on the way home for a light for the chaeto and got this... 7 bucks and it's pretty bright!

Just gonna keep checking the temp to make sure it's not one of those super hot lights... but it's sitting right next to the fan so hopefully the airflow will be good to it.

Anyway, talked to blakeT and i'm taking the strawberry coral back to MCF today. gonna use the store credit on another BTA, green on this time.