Hitchhiker coral...ID?


Active member
was observing one of my newer Balsto Wellsi mini colony I recently picked up and noticed something along one of the sides of the rock....

any ideas of what it may be?


Active member
oh...and I found this one last week on another coral I bought weeks ago....baby elegant?



New member
first one looks like a leptoseris, second one looks like a baby nem-maybe majano-. I would be careful with the latter till its big enough to id or until someone else ids it 100%, but it could actually be an elegance which would be cool however unlikely.


Active member
first one looks like a leptoseris, second one looks like a baby nem-maybe majano-. I would be careful with the latter till its big enough to id or until someone else ids it 100%, but it could actually be an elegance which would be cool however unlikely.
Cool...I'll look further into the lepto...second coral is not a nem...it has a stony base...


Active member
There's actually two of the tiny stony corals. . You can actually see a little of the stony skeleton on the upper smaller one here:
