Holy Jumping Fish!!

Well I am now reconsidering having a top on my tank. Sometime between the lights going on this morning at 9:30 when I took attendance, and about 10 mins ago my niger trigger apparently figured he could fly.

I've thought about putting a top on because I wanted a couple of wrasses but had no idea a trigger would make a break for it...

Anyone have any other experience with their fish making a break for it???? (And what did you do to rectify the situation!!)


No, I'm not a communist..
I had a dwarf lionfish go carpet surfing a month or so ago. Darn thing can barely swim but he mustered up the juice to hop out. Sorry to hear about your trigger, I wouldn't have guessed that either.


I've got a Radiant Wrasse that's carpet surfed a couple of times. Both times, it had to have had enough speed to push my egg crate cover up to make it to the floor. Caught it early enough that it's still in the tank. I have since designed my own clamps to keep the egg crate tied down.
Thanks all, I think I might be heading towards Home Depot to find some black egg crate to go on top...pretty sad guy here...really wanted that trigger...might have to get another after I get an appropriate top on this thing...