Homemade live rock


New member
I have made about 50 lbs. Of rock to add too my tank. I am now rinsing out the salt crystals out of it for the next month or so. I was wondering after I think it is ready can I add to my tank or should I culture it with other live rock first? I have about 100 lbs in my take now for my 125 gal now. Any help would be appreciated.


New member
Made the rock with crushed 3 parts oyster shell and 2 parts Portland cement. When you mixed it all up with water add 2 parts course salt crystals and shape the rocks u need. When set up soak in water to dissolve the salt crystals leaving voids in the rock. I put in caves and places to put frags. Would not be live yet...


New member
Seen a lot of videos on you tube for DIY live rock thought I would give it a try it would be cheaper and you can make what you want and need.


New member
You can either cycle the rock in a bucket/container with old tank water (or new salt if you dont care about mixing it up) just like any other dry rock, or you can add a few pounds a week to the tank, and the existing liverock will continue to provide filtration while the new homemade stuff goes live. I have wanted to try making my own rocks for a while now, just have way too many other projects that take priority! Looking forward to the finished product!

Here is a great video showing how its done, and what it looks like:
DIY Live Rock - by Ed - YouTube


def. concrete, but a couple months of "living" and you wouldn't know the difference, you did a real good job making it look random.


New member
The big piece is about 18" wide about 15" tall and has 1 tunnel and 3 caves.
Caves are easily made with balloons.


This looks like a great way if you're planning on having a larger tank in a few months and don't have a bunch of extra cash laying around...HEY...I'm planning on having a larger tank in a few months and am always looking to build my own stuff...

One question...Does this hold up over years in saltwater? I don't want it to start to crumble after 6 months in the tank?


Another question: do you have to worry about Ph or lime issues. I tried quickcrete in a tank many years ago and the water killed even goldfish. Even after many many attempts to rinse. This whole idea is very cool.

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New member
Most of my rock is Garf aggrocrete home made it been running for 3yrs holding up fine. The Ph is fine. I think as long as you slow cure the concrete it is good. "Slow cure" I kept the pieces in damp sand for a month. I also did some smaller pieces and didnt wait. I didnt notice a rise with the small rocks.