How did you guys get interested in Reefing?


Active member
For me, it was back in 2003. I bought a 72 gallon bowfront to setup as a freshwater tank. Jumped online did some research, and stumbled upon a site that talked about saltwater reef tanks. Did some further research. Visited my first "LFS" in San Diego, which had several saltwater display, and I was instantly hooked. The rest is history:)


Premium member
I've been into freshwater (mainly cichlids) tanks since i was a kid, and was starting to get bored with them...and for X-mas/2007, I bought myself an all in one 29gal marineland saltwater kit. It was very intimidating at first and unsuccessful, but I stuck with it, and haven't looked back since.


My dad was an angelfish breeder all during my childhood, so going into the back of the garage outfitted with 50 or so 10 gallon tanks with huge pumps and filters running was a norm. so it was only natural that when i got old enough, my xmas presents were fish gear, and my 36 geneva corner (gorgeous tank btw) that i have 6 bachelor angelfish living in cichlid harmony right now, which means they fight pretty regular, waiting for them to run their course so i can turn that tank salt. Gonna be a while cause i know for a fact that angels can live 7-10 years, especially since I bought them young.

i started talking to a buddy from work about fish tanks, and he offered to have me over to see his tank, and the rest is history. a CMAS event later and I bought my first tank (not his old one which i think bummed him out some). this still intimidates me on the cost front, but i think an environment like this i can make my investment of 1 duncan frag into many other corals just by husbandry of this guy.


New member
A few years back my wife put our name in a local raffle hoping to win a years supply of dog food.
That Monday I got a call from the store telling me we won a complete 5 gallon set-up.
I started with freshwater,mostly small stuff. Then I got bored and bought Discus,and needed a larger tank,so I bought a 125.
My wife found a 29 gallon complete set-up at a garage sale so I decided to go salt. As of early last year I had 4 tanks going. 3 salt and 1 freshwater. I condensed them all,sold the Discus and now just have the 1 125 going.


New member
Growing up I had a brother who was a fish geek. He kept fresh water tanks. When I was first married, he got into SW. I was fascinated with corals. We set up a 55 gallon tank with his help. Back then, we just could not keep them alive long, so we gave up.
About 6 years ago, I remodeled my kitchen. My brother, now a victim of MTS, pointed out the perfect spot on my counter top for a 14 biocube. I set one up and was amazed at the changes in this hobby, everything flourished. It was not long until I set up another, then another and another. I was hooked. I now have this original 14 biocube and a 50 on an antique ice box in my kitchen. In my living room I have a 120. I have downsized recently taken down my 40 breeder, my 15 and my 3 1/2 pico. I found maintenance was becoming a chore. I now keep octopuses and my tanks are set up like reefs with low sting softies. It has been a fun journey. It is surprising how that little biocube changed my life. :)


New member
i had a 10 gallon freshwater tank with like 5 or 6 red finned tetras i got bored with the dull colors so i decided to get this $40 buck 29 gallon tank i saw on craigslist that came with a stand, etc. (see my thread) and i just decided to get salt water and started doing research found reef forum asked questions got answeres still asking questions still getting answers lol. i know im doing somthing right if my fish are still alive.

Renegade Reefer

New member
Started out 10 yrs ago with fresh and decided that I wanted to do marine and now I'm so far into it there's no turning back no matter what I do. KInda like a Reeferholic. LOL :D


New member
I've been doing FW for 32 years. I worked in the retail industry for 8. Even when i worked at a shop that carried SW, I stayed out of those isles--way too intimidating for me. I kept a couple BW puffers about 12 years ago & eventually brought them up to SW. Added a skimmer & LR. Saw some cool creatures on the LR. Added some zoanthids, xenia & leathers (all bad-tasting to puffers). Well, the puffers decided to taste the zoanthids. The puffers got new homes & the rest is history! I'm actually very surprised at how easy I find reefing to be now.