Idk what this is may be fluke looking for opinions


Active member
White dot on side of Tomini tang. A little background info I bought these from a very reputable place about 6 months ago and had no parasites or Illness introduced or have introduced any fish recently. Also in the tank is a purple tang and 2 clowns and a pajama cardinal fish none of which show signs of illness. Thanks for all your guys info/recommendations this community is extremely helpful and knowledgeable. 58418C4A-F550-488C-9CC5-2A2F6501E7B0.jpegA1708713-1486-4FC4-B0B3-ED6218CDD656.jpeg


Terrible pics but likely not a fluke. If it's on the eye it's probably a bacterial or fungal infection. If it's on the side of the fish it could be that or lymphcystis, which is related to the herpes virus for fishies. Lymph is a virus, so not treatable, but also rarely fatal.

If you can catch the fish, just perform a freshwater dip to see if it falls off the fish. Use tapwater (unless your water is well water) in a colored bucket, remember to DECHLORINATE, match the temperature, and let the fish sit in it for about 5 minutes. Flukes will turn white and fall off in that time. They have a distinct ovaloid shape. If you see flukes, you should presume all your fish have flukes.


Active member
Ok thanks yea pictures were so hard to get this fish is so nervous/skidding so it wasn’t the easy to get a picture unfocus lol. I think my game plan is when I tear down the tank in 2 weeks I will do a freshwater dip because that’s the only way I will be able to catch them.


The pic makes it hard to tell but I’ve seen similar marks on my tang (darkish center with a white border) and I think it came from either an aggressive coral sweeper tentacle or maybe even an anemone sting. The mark on my tang was gone by the next day.


Now that you have described what to look for in the pics, I don't think it's a standard fish fluke. Those are very difficult to see on the body of the fish. Generally all you see is cloudiness from the fish's slime coat. Is the white part protruding from the fish? It could be a hookworm.