Injured Angel in TTM


Well-known member
Since I'm moving to a new setup next week I wanted to run all fish through TTM and PraziPro prior to addition to the new tank. Unfortunately during my efforts to catch my Swallowtail angel, she swam right into the blue gig. Her whole right side was covered. She hopped right out and appears to be doing ok. Her swimming is normal today and she ate. Yesterday she was swimming with her head pointing down.

Her injuries consist of almost all her streamers being gone and a bad sting to her right pectoral fin. It was an open wound yesterday, and today looks like it's got some fuzzy growth on it (assuming bacterial infection).

Are there any recommendations on which medication to use that would be safe to use during a TTM and in conjunction with Prime?

The whole QT thing is a bit new to me some my knowledge is a bit limited on medications. Let the reading begin...


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