Just figured out i never posted my tank shots :D so here you guys go ..............


Active member
No, it's not rude just because you heard something you didn't want to hear. Your playing with an animals life. If you don't have the proper equipment to care for it properly DON'T GET IT JUST BECASUE IT WAS $10! That information you have is for low light SPS, not acros (high light, high flow - which you dont provide either of).

Its still irresponsible plain and simple.


New member
I just googled "acro under pc lighting" and the first four responses all say don't do it. ReefCentral, nano-reef, thereeftank, reefs.org, and more already all say acro's shouldn't be kept under PC. Some montis are ok if high up, but not acros.

And, the way you phrased the comment "it was only 10 bucks" sounds very irresponsible. Not only are these live animals, but this industry is already fighting more and more restrictions because of organizations saying we are keeping wild animals that would be better off in the wild. A comment like "it was only 10 bucks" gives the impression its about the money, not about the livestock's well being.

Not trying to tell you what to do, that's your prerogative; but Poidog isn't wrong. Saying its worth taking the risk that NO FORUM MEMBER is supporting because it didn't cost you much is irresponsible.


Well-known member
yup. true the way i phrased my comment looks so .. .

i mentioned the dollar amount only because of the reason i found mixed info on lighting and this coral and if say that acro is like 200 bucks and im not sure how to take care of it i wouldn't have purchased it.

i even remember some lfs people saying yea you can have these and place them high up in the tank..... to a newbie's eye they look similar. so may be i got confused with someother sps that looks similar..

i know im gonna get a lot of hostile comments as i spoke back to a senior member who is a friend of many here .. but still.. calling me Irresponsible is RUDE..

i have seen people having gold fish in 2 gallon tanks .. thats ignorance not irresponsible, and MAY BE irresponsible if they just had it there without doing research BUT MAY BE THEIR STUDY ISNT SUFFICCIENT ENOUGH BUT THATS NOT IRRESPONSIBLE ..

if you dont know how to explain then dont ....if i were to explain them that gold fish in a 2 gal jar is not right .. id better choose my words .. i just dont walk over to them and say "are you crazy get the gold fish out of there "


Well-known member
I just googled "acro under pc lighting" and the first four responses all say don't do it. ReefCentral, nano-reef, thereeftank, reefs.org, .....................
i re-read that article again now and yea i might have understood it all the wrong way but still i might not have proper knowledge but not irresponsible..

we all learn .. everyone is a starter at some point of time .. same way im learning too ...


New member
Tinman, tank looks nice where did you get all that stuff?

As for the SPS in there....many of us have chosen to add things to our tank that were not the "standard" practice or safe. Example: Two yellow tangs in one tank, is that irresponsible knowing it might not work? That goes for a lot of combination of livestock but you see it happen ALL the time with success.

Some people may say that putting a flame angel in a reef tank is irresponsible because it could pick at and/or kill coral. How many people (myself a prime example)have done this successfully?

As far as the SPS under PC, yes generally it does not grow as well, but it can be done and has been done even in a biocube. Make sure maxi is pointed towards it and it is getting good flow so it does not suffocate on its own slime and you will have the best possible rate of success.

Also, you got a small frag and not a colony. If you bought a colony and tried it I too would say irresponsible, but not with a 1-2" frag. Please do not let talk such as this from discouraging you to share your tank's trials and tribulations with the rest of the community. This is how those who are new learn.


New member


(of a person, attitude, or action) Not showing a proper sense of responsibility.


An irresponsible person.



Not doing research is very irresponsible. Not taking the time to understand the animal your are bringing home, whether fish, coral, dogs, or more exotic creatures is irresponsible. Saying ignorance is your defense is admitting to being irresponsible.


No, it's not rude just because you heard something you didn't want to hear. Your playing with an animals life. If you don't have the proper equipment to care for it properly DON'T GET IT JUST BECASUE IT WAS $10! That information you have is for low light SPS, not acros (high light, high flow - which you dont provide either of).

Its still irresponsible plain and simple.
perhaps stating what something should be is more constructive than stating what something is?

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Well-known member
i wouldnt have been a member here and read soo much and talk to you all and gather information about various fishes and corals way before i get them if i am irresponsible..


Active member
i even remember some lfs people saying yea you can have these and place them high up in the tank.....
Haha, of course they did, they wanted to sell you something! It's your responsibility to do the research to make sure you can care for the animals you are purchasing, hence making you irresponsible. Get off your soap box with the word, it's old already. Saying that it's ignorance for you doesn't hold any weight. You're part of this community were a vast wealth of information is available to you just for the asking, searching, or stumbling (along with countless other reef community sites). So making excuses just makes you sound dumb. Oh, sorry. Was that rude? Learn from your mistakes then, be grateful, correct your actions, and move on to be the best reefkeeper you can for your animals.

But in all seriousness you were given solid information, not just some option I pulled out of my hole and you backlashed at it. That makes you either irresponsible or just plain dumb, you pick.

I'm not being mean, just blunt. Either take the advise or don't. This is the reason I'm sick of helping newbs.


Well-known member
Tinman, tank looks nice where did you get all that stuff?

As for the SPS in there....many of us have chosen to add things to our tank that were not the "standard" practice or safe. Example: Two yellow tangs in one tank, is that irresponsible knowing it might not work? That goes for a lot of combination of livestock but you see it happen ALL the time with success.

Some people may say that putting a flame angel in a reef tank is irresponsible because it could pick at and/or kill coral. How many people (myself a prime example)have done this successfully?

As far as the SPS under PC, yes generally it does not grow as well, but it can be done and has been done even in a biocube. Make sure maxi is pointed towards it and it is getting good flow so it does not suffocate on its own slime and you will have the best possible rate of success.

Also, you got a small frag and not a colony. If you bought a colony and tried it I too would say irresponsible, but not with a 1-2" frag. Please do not let talk such as this from discouraging you to share your tank's trials and tribulations with the rest of the community. This is how those who are new learn.
thats what exactly what i thought too ... and yea i placed it at the highest point in my tank and just next to the powerhead intake so it gets a lot of flow. and also both my bulbs are less than 2 months old and yes your flame angel is the one in my tank now .. its not touching a single piece of coral and mandarin is also from your tank :D its eating mysis shrimp


New member
But in all seriousness you were given solid information, not just some option I pulled out of my hole and you backlashed at it. That makes you either irresponsible or just plain dumb, you pick.

This is the reason I'm sick of helping newbs.
Such harsh criticism and wording is sad to see, especially from a senior member. We look to those for advice, constructive feedback, and encouragement. The scolding should be saved for your children.

I am one who appreciates all that those have to share and I am very thankful for those who have done so. I am sure you have a lot of valuable information but the way you are providing it is disappointing. Its not always what you say, but how you say it.


Well-known member
Poidog, you might be good at keeping corals but you suck at explaining things .. :p how does that sound .. i can use a better word than SUCK .. but that word suits your sucking at explaining or for that matter helping newbs :D

i dont normally pick or others or get in arguments unless im pointed directly .. happens rarely

Sorry for my ignorance AKA irresponsibleness ... (if my apology is all you need to stop this argument and enjoy my tank ......)


Active member
Sorry I said what others were thinking.

I have a wealth of info that I'm happy to share. I do everyday. Others are grateful and suck up as much information as they can from anyone they can that has a successful experience in this hobby.

Those like the OP here who get all upset when someone tries to say something and offer advice is the problem.


Well-known member


(of a person, attitude, or action) Not showing a proper sense of responsibility.


An irresponsible person.



Not doing research is very irresponsible. Not taking the time to understand the animal your are bringing home, whether fish, coral, dogs, or more exotic creatures is irresponsible. Saying ignorance is your defense is admitting to being irresponsible.

very true yogo ...
not doing research is very irresponsible... but i did my research as i said may be it isnt enough ... but still i did my research ...


lets stop this fight can we ....


Active member
Neither of u guys are providing anything for our community besides animosity. Maybe u should take this to pm. It's sad to see members battling over very common arguements. I've learned here that "bad blood" is no good. Now go gaze at your tanks and relax. Happy reefing!!