Lighting question


Premium member
My lighting is a green element quad with 64 3 watt LEDs. Each side has its own power source. Half the lights are actinic. I set them up to start and end with the actinic's, starting with one side then the other for an hour each, add one side of white for one hour, full lighting for four hours then reverse the process. What I'm finding is my only two corals seam to thrive under the full actinic. The polyps on both of them are at there fullest during the actinic only cycle. One is a slippery tongue coral on the sand bed 25 inches from the light, the other is a frogspawn that's eleven inches under the light.
The tongue coral can handle full light but seems to prefers just actinic , while the frogspawn will slowly retract from just one side of white then totally from the full spectrum. Any thought or ideas are appreciated.

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