Moving a Green BTA


Princess Trainer
I have the chance to buy a GBTA. The seller wants to keep the LR it's currently on. I've been reading about using a power head to get it to move; a blunt stick; shading its light, etc. Any one here have any experience doing it? Is there a "best" way? Thanks for your time.


New member
Increase flow on it until it starts to walk. Then it will be easy to slowly remove by peelig up its edges.Or place another rock on top over it not putting any pressure on it and wait til it relocates to the new rock. Both of these meathods may take days or more to get it to start to move.


New member
The icecubes in a plastic bag is the best way ive found to get 1 to release and it doesn't stress it like trying to blow it off with powerheads.


New member
You don't leave the ice cube on it... just move it around to make it uncomfortable. No damage done.

You're putting something that is frozen on very delicate soft tissue....soft tissue that is supposed to be kept around 80 degrees. You don't think that is damaging?


New member
It's really no different than you going out in the cold under dressed. It's uncomfortable but as long as it's for a short period of time it's not damaging. Personally I've always just peeled them off carefully with a plastic card. Usually once you get the edge started it just lets go anyway. But to each their own.


New member
Everyones got a preference and techniques down. Seems like both ways work by the experiences I've heard. Just pick your poison :)


New member
We are warm-blooded creatures & our tissues won't be harmed by brief cold.
And as long as it's brief neither will an anemones tissue. You would have to hold the ice cube in place for an extended period of time to cause any significant damage. If you keep it moving around the foot as suggested there will not be any harm merely some annoyance.


New member
I use the ice cube method or just rub/massage the foot, but that can take a bit before it lets up so I usually work with the ice cube.