Moving Help


I am sure most of you have done it at some point and have learned the hard way the do's and dont's of moving a reef tank. I have gotten a lot of good advise over the past year and want to pick your brains. Mine is not the largest aquarium out there (29 gal cube) so I'm not very worried on moving it. What I plan to do is move everything with 5 gallon buckets. I have about 6 small pieces of rock in my tank. I was going to put 1 piece in each bucket with enough aquarium water to keep them covered. Also in the buckets i would put one of my fish in each except the 2 clowns would be in one. In a separate rubber main container im going to put whatever coral is not attached to rock inside buckets already.

Question 1) Do i really need an air stone or power head in each of these buckets? I am only moving 1.5 hrs away.

Question 2) I have a coarse argonite sand bed and a great population of spaghetti worms and bristle worms that i don't want to get rid of, can i just leave it in the tank with an inch or so of water covering it? or will that cause problems?

I plan on having 20-25 gallons of fresh water waiting for me at my new house.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any advise guys!


New member
If you can move your tank without disturbing your sand bed, go for it. The problem is if your sand is older, it may have a lot of buried detritus/toxins that get's released if your sanded is disturbed. if you really have tons of worms, then maybe your sanded is actually clean and well aerated and you won't have problems.
corals and fish are shipped for 24 hours without airstones, so you should be fine, plus, there will be a lot of water splashing/movement in the containers with the drive.
No matter how you move your stock, make sure you have fresh carbon going when you start it up again, which will help with any toxins released from sand/rocks.