My 55G


Princess Trainer
Non-drilled 55g that is the result of combining four nano tanks. (2-20g and 2 -10g). Lighting is 4x54 T5s and right now I'm running it skimmerless and with a HOB filter. I just got my sump (20G-high) built and that'll be the next step. Two Mocha clowns; one Snowflake and one "regular" clown. Four RBTAs and a mix of corals.


New member
What skimmer do you think you'll be going with? That's one of the next step things for me to do with my tank.


Princess Trainer
My wife got me a cheap skimmer for Xmas and you get what you pay for! lol If I were to ask for another HOB, I would probably go with a Reef Octopus. I've read some good reviews for Eshopps in-sump skimmers.


New member
I've got a red sea prizm, and it works awesome. I'm just looking to get a bigger tank eventually. The Prizm is relatively inexpensive, but it skims like a beast in my tank.