My new 135gal reef video


Got my first corals at the aqua experience show last weekend and two BTA's.

Here is a video of my livestock and new corals!

Cleaner Wrasse (he is eating mysis and brine shrimp)
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
6 line Wrasse
Royal Gramma
3 Lyretail Anthias
2 ocellaris clownfish

I know two of the frags are encrusting monti's not sure what the other one is.

The Torch & Hammer hopefully that isn't to much flow? I know they like low-medium flow! Clowns haven't even noticed the nems yet lol my rose is doing really well he moved about 4 inchs and found a nice spot hasn't moved since..he took some mysis today.. my rainbow is hiding down in the rocks really hoping he will come out..I moved some rocks but don't know if I should to try to move him?

Thanks for checking it out please feel free to leave any advice/tips :D Just got my QT tank cycled and going to be adding some tangs soon :)