naso tang (white specs)


Hey reefers, i need your help.

I have a 3" blonde naso tang that seems to have these white dots and I can't figure out what these are. My tank has been in hypo for 2.5 weeks now. The tank is a 150G that currently houses orange shoulder, kole tang, fox face, hippo,clown tang, and yellow tang. They are all small and since the hypo treatment, none of these fish are showing white specs/flashing with the exception of this naso tang. After two days of hypo, the rest of the fish show no signs of ich. I'm beginning to think this is something else because the naso is not getting more white dots, it's just the same dots on him and they won't disappear. Because he burrows in the sand during the nighttime, i thought it was sand. I took him out and tried rubbing it off, but it wasn't sand....If your near Oak Lawn, I'd appreciate if someone came by and took a glimpse for themselves. Here's some crappy pics.

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R u doing hypo for your display tank? Im pretty sure u should be doing that in qt...cause hypo is gonna jack up evrything in your lr and screw up your water quality...
Hypo should be done in qt for 4-6 weeks after last spot is seen. Display should be left fishless for 8 weeks. Good luck ich is no joke that is why I have a 55g qt with a 30fsump, basically a full set sup. I got ich 3 years ago and lost over 1/2 my fish.
I believe it's ich. Do any of your other fish have ich, of not you should look into setting up a quarentin tank up , once in there you can traeat him.
Whats the difference between the qt and the dt. I got nothing else in my dt so i ran hypo n there.hypo is nit gonna jack up anything. I been checking ammonia and nitrites everyday and i feed heavy.. no spikes.
Whats the difference between the qt and the dt. I got nothing else in my dt so i ran hypo n there.hypo is nit gonna jack up anything. I been checking ammonia and nitrites everyday and i feed heavy.. no spikes.

Display tank is dt
Quarantine tank is qt
pretty sure its ich . i personally will never do hypo on fish thats just me what u keeping salinity at . takeing him out and rubbing isnt gonna make his stress less either . fresh ginger can help his immune system but once in u tank its there as long as fish r in it on spot turns into a hundred thats difference between qt and dt . u may get it to go away but u add another fish and it will come back on the stressed fish . u can think we r all nuts and theres no diff from qt and dt but fromm experience of losing whole tanks as rookie believe me its no fun . if fish is eating good he can fight it off and look fine but dosent mean its out the system. if u gonna run u tank like that do u self a favor and get a uv . good luck i have blonde naso and beautiful fish