need advise on biocube 29


New member
Hey every doing a biocube 29 mixed reef. My fiancé would like 30 lbs of indo-Pacific Black Reef Sand and I want fiji pink. I have 30 lbs of brf dry rock too. Any in put on those sands? Also I am going to do intake refuge and media basket.


Well-known member
yes ..

Indo pacific black reef sand looks nice .. but have to be cleaned often ..

fuji pink looks too much like a fresh water tank under pink lighting ..

what ever you do dont mix those two :D

Good luck


Well-known member
oh ... if you go with black sand your tank would look small and if you go with white sand there would be more light reflection and hence more brilliance to corals and tank visually looks bigger (than the one with black sand)


New member
My advice would be to dump the biocube. Go as big as you possibly can. I have a 40 and totally regret not going bigger. If you have your heart set on a small tank then I would suggest Tropic Eden reef flakes. As Tin mentioned, if you get black sand, it'll look dirty fast. Just don't get any fine grain sand as that stuff will create a mess!

Good luck.
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New member
Imran , the 29 is as bugs I could go for the space we had available. Where could one get the reef flakes. Every were I look it sold out.


New member
If these guys have convinced you to consider white sand I would add that Nature's Ocean live sand is what I used in my 29g mixed reef. This company's products can be found in many lfs. I have a deep bed of their Natural White #1, which is quite fine, and on top I have their aragonite live reef substrate, which is a mix of small shells and coarse sand. The latter helps keep that fine stuff from going all over the tank. My invertebrates and a few of the fish I have had love digging and if those type of animals interest you then you should consider this type of combination because it allows them to have at it.


New member
Yes I was looking at that too. Won't need a skimmer for a while but I was going to get my first chamber ready to except the daylight skimmer.


New member
It's getting closer to a 50/50 mix Ted, I'd do it that way if I had a fresh crack at it. I started with all fine stuff and then have been continuously adding that coarse reef substrate on top to keep it from blowing around and because I also like how purple those shells in the mix get if they aren't stirred up too much. Before I got a diamond goby tearing up the bottom daily almost the entire bottom was purple.