Need ID on this possible parasite


Premium member
Hey guys so I have had these white little dot things in my tank for pretty much the entirety of my time in the hobby. They start out as elevated 6 mm or so white circles and eventually they pop and get like a hole in them and then just kind of go away from that area. I've always had them and never though much of them until I saw somone blaming a clam death on them. I just recently picked up a clam at APs and I wanna make sure it's safe and whether or not I should pay attention to whether or not these things are attaching to it or not. Pics below, thanks guys!!

They don't all have holes in them when they are new to the area first they are solid and then eventually they get a hole that progresses and just kind of disintegrates away over time so they don't seem like barnacles to me and they don't have any filter feeding arm like barnacles do so I'm kind of at a loss..

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