New to sumps question


So I am a new member, have been going through this hobby for about a year now. I have a 40 gallon breeder now with a 29 gallon sump with refugium. I have had the sump now for about two months and have noticed the benefits of it quickly in the display tank. I have changed the water now many times and am now starting to notice an issue that I have with it. My return line is black 3/4" vinyl tubing. When ever I switch the return pump off and then on again these white slimy fragments come out for about 30 seconds, I am assuming this is all over the inside of the line. So it kinda frustrates me since I noticed it with the first water change and every time after, is there a way to prevent that?

Also since I made the switch it seems that I never have a truly clean water appearance, almost like there is dust floating in the water column. I have tried multiple types of filter socks and I regularly change them out... Really hard to take pictures of but it doesnt seem to effect anything in the tank, just annoying.


Active member
Its sediment from the sump return pump chamber. Every time you start stop the pump you get a drain to the sump. That stirs up sediment and when starting back up you get some up to the DT.
Atleast im positive this is what your refering to.

Some sumps have a foam filter/block that goes right before the return chamber to keep sediment to a minimum in that chamber.

Or DIY place the return pump inside a square box built for it


Active member
9/10 times its what thematrix said. Sometimes it is stuff in the pipe itself. One way I eliminated it before. Is to set up a bubble trap before the pump, and add a foam filter pad that goes from wall to wall. It will not only help keep air from the pump, but catches all the sediment before it reaches the pump section.

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Active member
It would help if you post a pic of the sump. There may be ways to just add to the current setup rather than change anything you already have.

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Premium member
Like said above the matrix most likely right on this one. However I have had experience with white slime build up in the return line that spews out into the main tank when the return is restarted. For me it was slime lining the tubing and it was because I was dosing too much carbon i.e. Nopox, vinegar or vodka. If you are dosing any of these additives I would cut back on it and the slime will eventually be skimmed away

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Premium member
Not saying anybody is wrong but ive also seen where because its black tubing like a moldy slime built up in mine i switched to clear tubing and issue went away idk if it was cause light can pentetrate clear so no mold or if its just the material that black tube crap is made out of again he maybe right this is just another option it can be
I only does a two part and rely mostly on weekly water changes. I'll vaccum out that chamber next water change and see if that makes a difference. If not then clear tubing I guees. Thanks guys.