Ocean revive t247


Hello All,
I picked up an ocean revive T247 to put over my 20 long- i intend to use it to grow some SPS- I am going to use the tank mounts( put the light at roughly 8 inches above the water surface I believe) and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the intensity, again I am trying to grow SPS corals in the tank.



Premium member
Hello All,
I picked up an ocean revive T247 to put over my 20 long- i intend to use it to grow some SPS- I am going to use the tank mounts( put the light at roughly 8 inches above the water surface I believe) and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the intensity, again I am trying to grow SPS corals in the tank.

These are recommendation setting by Ocean Revive company:
Generally we recommend starting out at around 30% max on Blue channel while 20% max on White channel, and adding 10% a week. Turn the lights down if you notice any bleaching in your corals.

And for tanks 12″ front to back or less, 6″ is plenty of height. For tanks 12″ to 18″ wide, 6″-10″ is a good height. For tanks 18″-24″ wide, 8′-12″ is a good height. We
do not recommend a single light for more than 24″ of width front to back.

(I stated with 15% on whites and 30% on blue)
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Well-known member
I’d start 25-30% blue and 15% white. Slowly ramp up over several weeks. When I had these I ran three over an 80 gallon and ran them at 50% blue 25-30% white. Took a while to ramp it up to that, but grew SPS everywhere in the tank.

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