October Flyer

Best Fish

New member
Hi All

Here are specials good thru October. We typically extend most sale items until I actually get the next months flyer out, depending on availability. (So we have been honoring September sale items thru today) But to be sure you should take advantage during the current month or at least email me and I can see if I can work with you.


120 gal Aqueon- $369.99 (48x24x24)
120 gal Reef Ready Tank - $465 (48x24x24)

220 Standard Tank - $689 (72 x24 x 31)
220 gal Reef Ready Tank - $859 includes the overflow plumbing kit.


200 Gallon Box of Coral Life - $38.99


We continue to sell the seahorses that are bred here locally by Tami Weiss http://www.reefs.com/blog/author/Tami-Weiss/ Her H. Erectus seahorses are outstanding. They are currently on sale for $29.99.


Closeout pumps:

BloHoles - Reeflo has discontinued the BloHole models numbers 850-1100-1450. Talking with the owner, he indicated the return percentage was too high. They continue to sell their 2700 model as that pump continues to perform well. I still have a few of their discontinued models that I am closing out on. The warranty would still be honored and manufacture would take care of any problems the customer may have, even allowing upgrades at a reasonable cost. I am selling these below our cost. I have 1- 850 for $80, 1- 1100 for $100 and 2-1450's for $110.

Finnex Heater Controller - $26.00 http://www.aquacave.com/Finnex-Deluxe-E ... 7AodD28A6w

Extra piece of mind when you plug your heaters into this controller. Both your heater and this unit would have to fail before your temperature would create a problem.

Kent Magnesium -- Can also be used to get rid of Bryopsis --- 64oz - $18.00 http://www.saltysupply.com/Kent-Marine- ... km3473.htm


New Era Marine Grazers - $10.99 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 4cEliAssTI

I also brought in their New Era Pellets that the fish really go crazy over as well...on sale at $11.50

Azox Coral Food -- $15

New Item!!

Frag Stations starting at $72.00 http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... p=21864196

Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We do appreciate it. Never hesitate to email with questions, concerns or if you need help with anything.

Brian and Judy

"Best Fish"

1335 N.ML King Dr.
Mil, Wi 53212

Here is the link to our Saltwater instock list:

(414) 224-0486
Fax (815) 425-8948


Open Daily 10am to 6pm
Sundays Noon till 5pm