Please post all your Top Down photo of your reef tank here.
This thread can also be used to discuss tips and tricks of how to take great top down photos.
Here is my checklist:
-Turn all the flow off
-Turn lights all the way up (whether it is blue only or a mix)
-Use photobox/portal (instantly improves your photo taking ability)
-Set camera to RAW
-Turn camera on manual (just starting this myself)
-The reason you turn your lights up is so you can turn your ISO down, faster shutter speed, and f-stop around 11 or 13
-Brace against frame of tank or center brace
-Regret having just had a pot of coffee
-Take the photo
-Adjust, Try again, Take the photo (x10)
-Edit in Lightroom (Temp and exposure only)
Learn your camera and practice!! My benefit is having a frag tank only 8" high, which allows me to take photos from above vs through the side of a tank. But using red gel or Red tinted plastic will help talking pictures under LEDS...
Even if you are not in the Avast giveway please submit your photos. Lets use this thread for all top down shots. If you want to be in the contest please post in that thread that you would like to enter and let us know what type of camera you use. Only use this thread to submit your photos.
Mai, good picture but ISO is too high! Starting to show grain. exif data - "Auto exposure, 1/41 sec, f/9, ISO 1600". Go 1 or 2 F stops bigger and do 400 or 800 ISO. Much more clarity.