Pickle bucket!


New member
I brought the family to a relatively new restaurant in the area called Firehouse Subs. Besides amazingly good sandwiches, they also sell used 5 gallon pickle buckets with a lid for only 2 dollars! These are literally right out of the kitchen and not even cleaned. There's still pickle brine in them! What would be the best way to clean these out so that they would be reef safe?
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New member
Ya think that'll help get the pickle smell out?
Would you recommend a 50/50 mix or other ratio


you guys, pickles are made in vinegar and salt (and some spices like garlic). Sounds like something we would PAY for as a reef supplement. Those buckets are fine as they are probably with a RO rinse. Shoot, you could probably grow pods in pickle juice if you diluted it a little.


New member
I was kind of thinking that myself but there's a definite pickle odor and I wanted to get a little advice from someone that may know. For what its worth, ingredients listed on the bucket are cucumbers, water, vinegar, salt, calcium chloride, 1/10th sodium benzoate, natural spices and flavors, EDTA, turmeric (for color)

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No, I'm not a communist..
I wouldn't worry about it too much, personally. I'd just rinse them out with some vinegar water and sit back and enjoy the pickle smell until it subsides :)


I wouldn't worry about it too much, personally. I'd just rinse them out with some vinegar water and sit back and enjoy the pickle smell until it subsides :)
+1 that makes me want some of those buckets! HD charges like $7 for 1 bucket (lid is extra)!

on an interesting side note: EDTA, being the only scary looking thing that isn't lready in seawater, it sounds like it might qualify as a reef suppliment as well! (from Wikipedia):

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is used to bind metal ions in the practice of chelation therapy, e.g., for treating mercury and lead poisoning.[11] It is used in a similar manner to remove excess iron from the body. This therapy is used to treat the complication of repeated blood transfusions, as would be applied to treat thalassaemia. Alternative medical practitioners believe EDTA acts as a powerful antioxidant to prevent free radicals from injuring blood vessel walls, therefore reducing atherosclerosis.[12] The U.S. FDA approved the use of EDTA for lead poisoning[13] on July 16, 1953, under the brand name of Versenate[14], which was licensed to the pharmaceutical company Riker. It has not approved it for the treatment of atherosclerosis.[15]

Dentists and endodontists use EDTA solutions to remove inorganic debris (smear layer) and lubricate the canals in endodontics. This procedure helps prepare root canals for obturation. Furthermore, EDTA solutions with the addition of a surfactant loosen up calcifications inside a root canal and allow instrumentation (canals shaping) and facilitate apical advancement of a file in a tight/calcified root canal towards the apex. It serves as a preservative (usually to enhance the action of another preservative such as benzalkonium chloride or thiomersal) in ocular preparations and eyedrops.[16] In evaluating kidney function, the complex [Cr(edta)]- is administered intravenously and its filtration into the urine is monitored. This method is useful for evaluating glomerular filtration rate.[17]

EDTA is used extensively in the analysis of blood. It is an anticoagulant for blood samples for CBC/FBEs.

Laboratory studies also suggest that EDTA chelation may prevent collection of platelets on the lining of the vessel [such as arteries] (which can otherwise lead to formation of blood clots, which itself is associated with atheromatous plaque formation or rupture, and thereby ultimately disrupts blood flow). These ideas have so far been proven ineffective;[18] however, a major clinical study of the effects of EDTA on coronary arteries is currently (2008) proceeding.[19] EDTA played a role in the O.J. Simpson trial when the defense alleged that one of the blood samples collected from Simpson's estate was found to contain traces of the compound.[20]

EDTA is a slime dispersant, and has been found to be highly effective in reducing bacterial growth during implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs).[21]


New member
Baking soda will get rid of the odor but it takes awhile + you can always use the baking soda later to supplement alk.