Puffer help urgent


New member
My porcupine puffer has a slight discoloration on him I do have a couple rabbit fish and the last time I had a porcupine in there he got the same discoloration and he died with in 24 hours of the discoloration appearing I'm not sure if it's vibro or a sting are either of those treatable? Also none of my other fish are showing any signs or symptoms of any diseases.


New member
Very possible he got stung by the rabbit. Puffers are best kept with non-venomous animals.

Vibro treatment:
Try a combined therapy of Maracyn and Maracyn II in a hospital setup or as 10-20 times overdosed half hour baths.

The problem with this Vibrio sp. infection is that almost never real antibiotics are used in the early stage (which would be day 1).

A large UV sterilizer with a slow flow and feeding high vitamin food as well as high oxygen (esp. by surface current, 30 times tank volume per hour, no skimming while treating) can support the treatment.

There are many different Vibrio spp. with very variable symptoms, the most commonly known affecting humans is cholera. I *guess* Cholera meds may have an influence on the fish Vibrio species, too. Anyway, don't grab into the aquarium with wounds and clean your hands thoroughly after contact with the fish or its water.

Another important Vibrio species (obviously not the one of this infection) is thought by some scientists to live in symbiosis with puffers and to produce their tetrodotoxin poison.