Quarantine procedure. Good or bad?


New member
Hello everyone!
I am new to reefing and im in the process of cycling a 75 gallon. As soon as i see all the parameters are okay, ill start adding fish and coral, but first i was wondering if my quarantine procedure was okay or if it needed work. The quarantine procedure is below:
Buy fish
Drip acclimate for an hour
add fish to the 20 gallon quarantine (with an aquaclear, heater, and pvc pipe)
Use cupramine and prazipro as preventative for ich and flukes for 2 weeks
50% water change and activated charcoal in the filter for 1 week.
Use Melafix and primafix as a preventative for bacterial infections for 1 week
Acclimate to the display tank and introduce.
Rinse out all equipmment with fresh water to kill any parasites.

My question is
Is any of the medication needed if the fish does not display symptoms? I have heard mixed opinions from my trustworthly LFS's as well as from individual hobbyist. If the medicines were necessary, is there anything i needed to change to the procedure at all?

Thanks in advance!


New member
the problem with not medicating is they may not show signs of disease when not stressed, but when you introduce to main tank and they get harassed by other fish, then you might start seeing ich and other diseases. my vote is to pre-treat, instead of playing russian roulette later on.
Also, I've never drip acclimated for a whole hour, especially if the fish has been shipped to me. the longer they stay in the dirty water in the bag, the more ammonia might build up and stress the fish more. temperature acclimate and add tank water to the bag, then empty half, and repeat process. do that until you are sure that you have had 100% change over of the water in the bag. That whole process shouldn't take 1 hour.