Red sea nopox


Well-known member
Does anyone use it? I Started to use it and it works awesome, but it turned my gfo and carbon in my reactors rock solid. Is this common issue with vodka/ vinegar dosing?
I used it. It works great. Not supposed to be used with GFO because supposed to lower PO4 as well. I've never had issues with using it with carbon.
You will eventually have to lower dose to keep nitrates measurable. If you let nitrates go Zero, your phosphates will not go down and you will see cyano grow.

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yes it works, I started slow. drops nitrates fast in my experience . be sure to watch it depending on your livestock you probably don't want 0
I have started using now for about 3 weeks and I have seen a good drop on NO3 and phosphates. I am also using GFO, which I have been using for a while now. I have not noticed any issues of clogging my filter sock on y setup. I started per instructions dosing 21 i believe and now I am down to 12 per day.
Double check the instructions, but I don't believe you should run GFO while dosing NOPOX.

I have started using now for about 3 weeks and I have seen a good drop on NO3 and phosphates. I am also using GFO, which I have been using for a while now. I have not noticed any issues of clogging my filter sock on y setup. I started per instructions dosing 21 i believe and now I am down to 12 per day.
I have started using now for about 3 weeks and I have seen a good drop on NO3 and phosphates. I am also using GFO, which I have been using for a while now. I have not noticed any issues of clogging my filter sock on y setup. I started per instructions dosing 21 i believe and now I am down to 12 per day.

Apparently u are not supposed to run gfo while dosing this stuff but when I notice my phos is high and my nitrates are where I want them I'll drop a pinch of gfo in a filter bag and place in a baffle and when the phos is where I want it I remove and throw away.

With the nopox I do less than half of what they tell me to do. I dose 4 ml a day 1 ml every six hours via my doser. My tank is 150 total water volume. This stuff does create a film on your walls, pumps and filter socks but I have been using it for so long that I am scared to stop it because everything is doing so well.

I dunno how big your tank is but 12 ml a day seems like a lot to me but I dunno lol, good luck though some people hate this stuff but for my purpose I like it

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I had the tank neglected for a few years and went ahead within a matter of a few weeks removed all of the sand bed that had been there for over 8 years and re-did the rock work slowly. I started with N03 over 10 and P04 at 16. I was expecting a big spike, but ended up not been so bad. After 3 weeks and everything stabilized I am at N03 at 4 and P04 at .08. I am slowly reducing the Nopox and will probably eliminate the GFO soon. I have read a lot of people using both Nopox and GFO, if your phosphates are high I don't see any problem with it. My tank and sump are 180gal minus the rocks probably 150 gal.
For me I keep my nitrates at five or try to keep them there which is hard and phos at .16

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