Removing Live Rock


In my 57g I have the old school method of making a "sheet" of live rock across the back of the tank. I have probably about 60lbs of LR. I want to cut down big time. I am planning on removing enough to make two pillars with a small pile inbetween to provide shelter for my eels. I want alot of open space. My idea is to have around 30lbs of LR.

I have a few questions about this process, and how to best go about it. Before I ask my questions I want to mention that simplicity is huge for me. My sump only consists of a filter sock, skimmer, and two bags of chemipure in a high flow area. In addition I have a dosing pump and a heater.

1. I have followed Walt's (KeishaKornbread) thread on using K1 ( I believe it all starts on #577. This seems like a really good option for me, to remove live rock and replace it with a bunch of this stuff. What do you guys think?

2. The reefing I learned was to use alot of live rock to act as a natural filtration for the tank, is there any way to go away from massive amounts of LR and get the same filtration in a simple way? Do I need to invest time and money into different equipment?

3. Do you guys with a low LR to water ratio find that you have to spend more time keeping your parameters in check?

4. I am of the belief that lower amounts of LR will increase flow and a give me a cleaner tank, is this true?

- Dave