RIP Kryptonite candy canes


One of my first corals I ever bought just took a crap, i bought two branches from reefwise. originally each branch had 3 mouths and over the past 8 months have multiplied to probably over 12 mouths each. No drastic changes in the tank all all. for the past 2 days they have not opened and today had noticed the skin is falling right off of them. Anyone ever had this this happen before? Should I just throw them out now or do you think there is any way they will come back? Kind of ticked, these were one of my favorite corals to watch eat


Premium member
don't toss them...ive brought them back from the dead literally...shaded low flow area and they will be ok..if they don't make it come visit me


They were doing so well. I dont get I hope to be visiting you soon when those pumps come in!