Spirulina for Humans


So, ive been feeding my fish a huge variety of foods, however i have been using Hikari Frozen Spirulina the most. Then, yesterday i bought a drink at the gas station. It was extremely good and said is was "healthy". When i looked at the ingredients, it contained 1300mg of spirulina a long with a small amount of blue green algae.

I decided to look it up and apparently this is quite the SUPER FOOD for humans. I read about 4 articles already and about to order some(for myself, not fish).

Im sure this is news to some, old news to others. For those of you that have taken this supplement, do you see/feel any change?

interesting article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/01/spirulina-the-amazing-super-food-youve-never-heard-of.aspx