strawberry shotcake acro

coral guy

New member
I dont know why but my shortcake has very little to no polyp extension.All my parameters are right ph is 7 alk is 9 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 cal 480.


New member
btw, what kind of lighting are you using, the colors are very dull for a strawberry shortcake acro. this is a top down of a frag I got from mcf some time ago, this is under my full lighting spectrum (daylight+actinics T5/VHO combo)

As of late, I have been seeing two distinctly different "Strawberry Shortcakes" floating around the area. The ones at Reefwise have been white with nice pink tips and colorations. The ones I have seen from Aquapros seem to have quite a bit of brown to them. I've also seen the ones at MCF in their display tanks and they had quite a bit of brown on them too. I saw a colony in someone's tank the other day....and it too was quite brown.

Gig, yours looks almost identical to the one I got from Reefwise.

coral guy

New member
its under 3 led pendents each pendent has 55 2 watt leds. I will try to raise my ph and we will see how my shortcake does.I also bought my shortcake kinda dull.


Strawberry shortcake is another one of those corals that there are hundreds of different kinds. It is more of a general name. Wild colonies are imported all the time. There are nicer ones, and not-so-nice ones.

The real Strawberry Shortcake came from Unique Corals and debuted at MACNA 2009. For a limited time they sold frags on
The real one does not really look like all the ones floating out there in my opinion.

I have a frag of the original, and its the only SS I have.

You are correct in noticing the difference, as they are completely different wild corals. Some do well in captivity, some do not. They are still somewhat uncommon though, and still require premium prices. Many people just call them all Strawberry Shortcake, even though they really aren't. They are usually nice corals still and worth the money. A lot of times its hard to know what they will color up to being wild and still new to aquarium life. Sometimes you can get a minicolony for 50$, sometimes 1/2 inch for 50$. Depends on how nice of a coral it is and how long in captivity.


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Your ph does seem really low, are you using a test kit or controller?

These color up AWESOME, Ive given frags to my buddy Mikey and customers, and it looks spectacular! Just need some TLC after the long trip here from the wild. Sometimes theyre super colored up when they come in, other times not, but they are the same.

Coralguy also got a really nice steves blue milli and some other great stuff, still a lot of nice stuff here for everyone else!