Well-known member
So I noticed the center brace on my in wall 125 was broke so I figured it was time to rebuild/upgrade. Well anyways I got the 3 fish I have left "I've had all 3 since 2007 2 clowns and a purple tang"and the serpent sea star transferred to their temporary home "a tiny little 55" and everyone seems to be doing ok so now time for some destruction. I am upgrading to a reef ready 180 and the measurements are close enough to where I do not have to make modifications to my wall for it to fit just build a new stand. Slipped my mind to take pics but I will make sure to take plenty throughout the build and these are of the start of the tear down, already got the fish, live rock, sand and all the filtration out so now time to get the tank out. It's probably going to take a while to switch out the tanks as they as very heavy I am in a wheelchair and help is scarce, but I will figure it out as I always do. And yes I know the tank is filthy I was scared to touch it lol. Wish me luck!!!!