Tank rebuild/upgrade


Well-known member
So I noticed the center brace on my in wall 125 was broke so I figured it was time to rebuild/upgrade. Well anyways I got the 3 fish I have left "I've had all 3 since 2007 2 clowns and a purple tang"and the serpent sea star transferred to their temporary home "a tiny little 55" and everyone seems to be doing ok so now time for some destruction. I am upgrading to a reef ready 180 and the measurements are close enough to where I do not have to make modifications to my wall for it to fit just build a new stand. Slipped my mind to take pics but I will make sure to take plenty throughout the build and these are of the start of the tear down, already got the fish, live rock, sand and all the filtration out so now time to get the tank out. It's probably going to take a while to switch out the tanks as they as very heavy I am in a wheelchair and help is scarce, but I will figure it out as I always do. And yes I know the tank is filthy I was scared to touch it lol. Wish me luck!!!!


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Holy crap this has just taken too long.... but I have the tank in the wall just need to fill it up check for leaks then if all goes well put in new ballasts for the t-5's and hang the lights proper this time from the ceiling and not the shelf "cuz the shelf is no longer there" which had the wires at 45 degree angle... ouch....then put the sand and rock in and start scaping. woo hoo
Well I was just about to start filling it with water when I noticed a little scratch just a little scratch and I think it can be buffed out. Anyone have any ideas what would work best on doing so? Or should I start to fill it and hope it magically goes away when the water hits it lol?
Well things have been going slow I have most of the rock in and Im working on a rock formation for the one side but this is what I have so far I did also transfer the fish over because my tang was just splashing everything but they all seem happy but I think I need an anemone for the clowns.thumbnail.1.jpgKIMG0390.JPGthumbnail.jpg This is the filter box I made with quick disconnects for easy removal there are 2 drawers and room for a 3rd once I get some more acrylic.thumbnail.1.jpgKIMG0390.JPG
picked up this little girl up yesterday and she's already eating like a little piggyKIMG0499.JPGKIMG0500.JPG
the anemones are doing great the bigger one is in a nice little crevice and the little one moved a few inches from where I put it and is growing nicely thumbnail.anemone.jpg
this is the little guy looking a lot bigger than he did a couple days ago ... the other one still looks pretty much the same except for the clownfish eggs right next to it now.. cant get a good pic thou
Well bad news....the lights went on at 8 and no sight of the angel and then at a little after 10 I found her motionless on the bottom behind the rocks

R.I.P. little girl
no idea water perimeters were all good so might of just been wasnt enough places to hide from the purple tang I dont know

nems are doing good nice and colorful