Think you could keep a giant isopod as a pet?



I figure that would make a pretty cool addition to a tank and they're not picky eaters... trick would be getting one. Might be a messy eater though, hard to keep the water clean.

I had a horseshoe crab from reefcleaners once, it buried itself and I didn't see it for a long time. Thought it was dead, and then two years later there it was swimming around again. I kind of like the large crustacean thing. But not when they hide and bury themselves.


i think the big ones come from super high pressure enviros. You might need to put a huge bell jar and a mega chiller on your tank. . .
Someone on one of the forums was selling them. They are on ebay too.



New member
i would take the horse shoe crab. every once in a while you could bleed it and sell the blood for a fortune.


New member
the blood is so valuable they are protected as to not go extinct from people trying to make a buck u have to have special permits to get them out of the wild and then return them