Two systems or one?


New member
Currently have a 93 cube display with about 100 gallons of basement sump room filtration. I have a 220 display I want to tie in or do separate.

I'm not opposed to doing two systems but what's the better option here. Two systems?

I originally wanted two because if disaster happens in one. The other will be a safe haven. And act as a backup. I realize it's twice the equipment and everything. And twice the testing. But thinking it may be my best option. What's everyone think? Tie em together or keep it separate?

If I tie together I also have to redo the basement fish room. And upgrade skimmers sump filters and pumps. Not really wanting to do that. I love how my current system is running and I am some what worried on tying in a fresh 220 gallons to the existing system.

Just looking for thoughts but I think I'll be doing separate systems. Thanks.


Premium member
Totally agree two systems gives a great backup. That said in all practical purposes, it's almost twice the work. In the long run will both suffer from the lack of time spent on each?

My vote is a single system, based on personal experience. There are plus and minus to both but it might be easier to care for one well vs two.


New member
Yea. One system would definitely be literally half as much work! Or maybe I could just do a African cichlid tank in the 220!even easier! And cheaper! =)