Very interesting hitchhiker?


So I've had a large piece of Fiji live rock sitting in a bucket of cold saltwater for atleast a month. It was pretty clean looking (almost white) and I didn't see anything of concern. Four days ago I put it into my Nano and everything seemed fine. Two days later I had a peppermint shrimp dead and getting munched on by my emerald crap. It sucked but I figured it was a fluke. This morning I woke up to find another shrimp stuck in the skimmer. I've been checking my levels every other day just to make sure I wasn't have any weird spikes. Everything was good.

So when I came home today I walked over to the tank and out of the corner of my eye I saw this black lump waving in the current. As soon as I saw it it must have seen me as well. It started to dart in and out of the new rock. It moved incredibly quick and flowed around the rock pretty gracefully. I can't be really sure, but it was about the size of a nickel. The first thought that went through my head was baby black mantis shrimp. Is there any way this is possible.

If not a mantis shrimp what else could it be? Unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures yet.

All opinions welcome.


New member
Dip it for 30 seconds in fresh RODI water. It will come out. If it's something good toss it back in, if not flush it.


Well-known member
Very intriguing.. Once u find out u should post pics.. Or try luring it out by puting foodon a feeding stick or something.. I wanna knw what it is lol


New member
Someone might buy him off you. It's worth a try at least :). Good luck, they are very neat little critters but dangerous as I'm sure you know.


New member
Looks a little smaller than the one in my reef! Fortunately mine doesn't seem to be a homicidal killer thou, as my flametail blennie kills more of my inverts than the mantis does. Definitely PIF to someone that wants it if you don't. They make great pets provided a proper home and care.


New member
Ill take him if hes up for grabs!!! I have an empty 10 g qt that has been running empty b/c i only have a talbots damsel in the frag tank, so let me know, maybe he will end up in a specialized tank!