water chemistry (http://www.chucksaddiction.com/)


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http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-02/rhf/index.php Ammonia and the Reef Aquarium - "It is one of the few important chemical issues that marine and freshwater aquaria share. Nevertheless, misunderstandings abound about ammonia's sources, nature and toxicity, which may not be recognized by many reef aquarists"

http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-06/rhf/index.php Nitrites and the Reef Aquarium - "In reality, nitrite probably is not toxic enough to warrant measuring in most marine systems. This article serves to provide a backdrop for that opinion by addressing what nitrite is, where it comes from, where it goes, the mechanisms by which it can be toxic and the evidence for its toxicity (or lack thereof) in typical reef aquariums."

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/august2003/chem.htm Nitrates in the Reef Aquarium - "Nitrate is an ion that has long dogged aquarists. The nitrogen that it is formed from comes in with foods, and in many aquaria it builds up and can be difficult to keep at natural levels. A decade or two ago, many aquarists performed water changes with nitrate reduction as one of the primary goals. Fortunately, we now have a large array of ways to keep nitrate in check, and modern aquaria suffer far less from elevated nitrate than they have in the past."

http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-08/rs/feature/index.php Trace element toxicity - "The potentially toxic trace element concentrations in at least some aquarium systems must be shown to be much higher than are found in nature."

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/june2002/chem.htm Solutions to PH problems - "The acceptable pH range for reef tanks is an opinion rather than a clearly delineated fact, and will certainly vary based on who is providing the opinion."

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm Calcium and Alkalinity problems - "This article will clarify the different types of calcium and alkalinity problems encountered in typical reef tanks, and will describe in detail how to solve each of them."

http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-09/rhf/index.php Phosphate and the Reef Aquarium - "Phosphorus is one of the basic building blocks of living matter. It is present in every living creature, and in the water of every reef tank. Unfortunately, it is present in excess in many reef tanks"

http://www.reefscapes.net/articles/breefcase/kalkwasser.html Lime water (calcium addition) - "When Calcium Hydroxide solution (Kalkwasser) is slowly dripped into your aquarium, it captures free Carbon Dioxide present in the tank water and converts it to Bicarbonate ions"