What do you do for a living?


Active member
We all share the same passion for this hobby, but it will amaze you how diverse it is here. In another thread, I learned that we have a firefighter on board. I think it would be very interesting to know what everbody else does for a living. Since we all live relatively close to each other, we will know who to reach if we need help. :)


New member
I sit at a desk and design municipal and industrial waste water treatment equipment for a living. (and surf forums all day while doing so...)


Student for what seems like forever. Working on first of 2 doctorate degrees. Doctor of Naturopathy at the moment and then Doctor of Osteopathy to follow. Won't be able to start working till I'm 40.


Premium member
I'm a mobile secretary, who takes the garbage out...better known as a Police Officer.


I sit at a desk and design municipal and industrial waste water treatment equipment for a living. (and surf forums all day while doing so...)
That sounds really cool and probably adds to your aquaria wizardry very nicely.

I'm probably in the running for the lamest job:

a phone job that allows me to multitask on here.

Everyone else's jobs sound cool too, you just typed while I was:)


New member
I am an account manager/technical support for a barcoding comapny, so basically helping people building out warehouse solutions, shipping and delivery systems, asset management(the little barcodes on all your stuff at work). Oh and at the same time I help Ecotech continue to make all their stuff(all their barcoding on their products is supplied by us, more specifically me)they are my favorite client, any of three people there that I work with call in or ask me for something and we are on the phone for 30 minutes talking about reefing lol.


I am an account manager/technical support for a barcoding comapny, so basically helping people building out warehouse solutions, shipping and delivery systems, asset management(the little barcodes on all your stuff at work). Oh and at the same time I help Ecotech continue to make all their stuff(all their barcoding on their products is supplied by us, more specifically me)they are my favorite client, any of three people there that I work with call in or ask me for something and we are on the phone for 30 minutes talking about reefing lol.
I'm partial to 3 of 9 myself :tongue (2):
I'm an Investment Banking Assistant (Mergers & Aquisitions) during the day and a socialite/celebrity and personal assistant for Daisy at night. I'm always busy.


New member
I operate a switchboard for a college. So basically I answer the phone and transfer calls all day. So I surf the web in my down time....a ton!


New member
I was a part time student that was going to school for networking and ended up being an apprentice In a body shop. I also help my father do custom furniture out of his garage.