What would you like to see from Chicago Reefs?


We have new members being added to Team CR and we are working hard to bring new content and features to the community. We have added photo of the month back. We will have quarterly coral growout competitions. Premium Member monthly and event giveaways will continue. More events will be scheduled as well. We have some ideas in mind but would like to hear from you! What would you like to see?
Where is the chat?@goat585

When I secured the site to get rid of the security warnings and to make it a https:// the app for the chat box will not work anymore. The chat box is no longer supported by the makers of it for v-bulletin so there are no updates for it. I tried to fix it but Im unable to. I need to find a new app but most are for the newer version of v-bulletin version 5. Which means I need to upgrade the whole site which is a very large project. I'm hoping to get it updated in the next 3 to 6 months.