What you guys get for your reef tank this weekend?


Active member
Weekends are saved for LFS runs and multiple road trips for frags...So what did you guys get this weekend?

I picked up a beautiful flame angel from Golden Aquarium:D


Premium member
Oh wow, congrats on the new addition, we'll need to see some pics to believe you. :)
I got a bucket of reef water and a bucket of r/o water. My girl wanted a blue clam for my tank, but someone bought the one she was looking at.


I have my Flame for 3 years. She behave good. Not intrested in corals... just nipping live rock and glass. She lives in her own world, nothing bothers her.


Active member
Does your eat Spinach? I just threw a piece in there..and she doesnt seem interested...Prob have to pick up some nori tomorrow


Does your eat Spinach? I just threw a piece in there..and she doesnt seem interested...Prob have to pick up some nori tomorrow
When I bought her she did not touch any food for 9 days!!!!! I tried everything. She was swimming and picking on rocks. I guess she found a lot of food there and pods probably. I was worried, 9 days. I know 2,3 maybe 5 that is normal. But she was fat <round belly> all the time. So I knew she will be fine but still.... Now she eats all food. Frozen brine, mysis, Rod's food. But loves Nori shets. I buy this at Chinese store. Much chipper then at Pet stores. So do not worry yet. And frozen food I always soak in ZOE, Garlic and Selcon. Boosts fishes immune system and works on their appetite.Helps new fishes start to eat faster. Good staff, newer had ich problem. Hope that helps.


I did the hardest thing this week there is in this hobby, only clean up salt creep. I never just let things just sit, and what do I get? Another. Polyp on my duncan starting!


Premium member
That's cool Scott...my Duncan is sprouting another head also. I gave it its 1st mysis shrimp yesterday. :)


i got a little packet of rod's food to try it out, working pretty well, cause i can really feed everything with 1 food, so i might get the big bag next time, but already head, and another bubble starting in 2 weeks? steroids?


Active member
I just picked up a yellow coris wrasse and a red tail wrasse no problems . Great looking fish. Doing greatwith these guys love those lil snails worms. I'm gonna post some pics when light turns on