What's the Best Alkalinity Tester


New member
What do you guys think is the most accurate alkalinity tester out there. I've only used API, I don't have any experience with other brands, so I want to know where API ranks with other brands.


New member
I prefer Salifert for my testing, and only use Hanna checker to quickly verify alkalinity stability.


New member
My API tester changes color at the exact same range that the Hanna is in. Of course you don't get the exact number, but I as long as my API changes between 8-9 alk, I'm fine with that because hanna confirmed it. I use hanna just once in awhile and most of the time, I use the API.


New member
API is only accurate(ISH) when it is new. As you use the reagents they tend to get more concentrated for the test kit gets further off.

If you are serious about keeping a reef tank there are (4) hobby grade test kits to look at:

1. Salifert
2. Red Sea PRO
3. Hanna Checker
4. LaMotte