Why Zoa change color


I have several zoos and they changed to a plain brown color.why?everything is good and they are growing too..

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Symbiotic zooxanthallae is what give zoas the brown color. If they are brown over an extended period of time, then consider giving them more light. They will require less zoox for food (mostly sugars) and expunge the extra. Additionally, this brownish tinge is more visible under 6500K and direct sunlight.

My experience is that, sometimes, something in the water pisses off the zoas and they expunge thier zoox for a few minutes. For example, I injected hydrogen peroxide on aiptasia and the Blue Eyed Blondes were downstream from a wavemaker. This produced an incredibly bright pastel look, instantaneaously. Obviously, you would rather have them colored up on a daily basis than "piss them off" this way.

Additionally, if the brown tinge is not that visible. Check the definition between the colors of the outer and inner rings. Rastas don't brown much, but seem to loose color definition via "color bleed" at low light.

Hopefully, somebody will post descriptions of having too much light which I haven't figured out. Polyp extension, convexity and concavity of the polyp related to flow are still muddy to me.
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