Chicago Reefs

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Welcome to Chicago Reefs

This community is dedicated to all the reefers around Chicagoland area. At ChicagoReefs, all reefers, new and old, can come together to share their knowledge and learn from each other's experiences. After all, this hobby is not about who has the best looking tank, the best equipment, or the most expensive coral. Rather, it is to preserve and appreciate a little piece of mother nature in our own home. So come join us to share your reef tank, progress your tank build, make new friends, and to buy, sell, and trade anything related to this fantastic hobby. So we welcome all here at ChicagoReefs to share this wonderful hobby.

JRPARK Featured Reef

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JRPARK22000 [Josh] 110 g Mixed Beauty.

Introduction and Background:

I was quite surprised and honored to be nominated for Tank of the Quarter. I’m always amazed at the beauty of the tanks selected. My tank is still quite young at 2 years but EyeReef...

Logan Featured Reef

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