Search results

  1. C

    Tank movers

    Anyone know of good tank movers in the north burbs or O’Hare area? Looking to move a 180g. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. C

    50g and below frag tank

    Anyone know who sells the ZooMed or Deep Blue shallow frag tanks locally? I couldn’t find a online retailer. Thanks!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. C

    CMAS Frag Swap 2023

    Anyone know of if there will be a swap this year? I feel like they usually post something by now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. C

    Unexpected Vacation Surprise

    I just thought I would gloat a little on a nice surprise I happen upon while tagging along on my wife's business trip to Orlando. I was hanging out at the Hotel with a few hours to burn when I figured I would do a proximity search for a LFS to visit when this came up 2 miles away : ). Made the...
  5. C

    Saved by my Foscam wireless sump cam

    Hello all, I'm mostly a lurker but thought I would share experience I had that could have resulted in a total loss of my 120 SPS tank and how I prevented it for around $70. I had a 10 day vacation scheduled to Mexico and decided to buy a wireless camera to stick in my sump mainly to monitor my...
  6. C

    PAR Readings On my DIY LED Lights

    I'm trying to figure out if I am blasting my SPS with too much light....I such thing My SPS just haven't got that deep coloration....though some have colored up nicely in shaded areas...which led me to take some PAR readings on my DIY ReefLEDlights build. I have decent color now but...