Cornbred Frag Grow Out


New member
I'll post pic tom. The bugatti is coloring up real nice. Finally got the grow out tank up and running, now I can feed without fish or crabs/shrimps trying to steal food from the corals.


New member
Walt, did you replace someone on here or are there 7 of us now? Herbie confused. The more the merrier anyway.
Walt just likes to see how our grow out's doing :)

"Are you using VC in there for them? I found it to affect my LPS (specifically my chalices) the best! "
Yes, the recovery of the bugatti seems to have sped, only new thing I started dosing is the VC.


Oh, I had the chance to pick up another piece of the rainbow crush the other day. Couldn't pass up the deal. Here is what it looks like under LEDs. it's an iPhone pic but still pretty nice View attachment 4034


New member
What is the one on the bottom right of the group shot?
I'm not sure Rich. I didn't get these originally. they went to Gus first, so I'm not really sure which is which, except for the BPC flame thrower, rainbow, flamming bugatti.
I will email the pics to Rich Negret and have him sort them out for me and give me their names and post them once I know which is which.
I have to say, the pics under LED's don't do these chalices justice. they look so cool under the blue LED's, just like Negret's actual pics. I know Cornbred chalices are grown under LED's.


The more I look at what we got the more impressed with the whole deal. Honestly I'm happy with how the look under daylight. I picked up some zoas from rich and same thing. Under LEDs they look very close to his pics.


Looking good. I would also like an individualized id of each frag pic. Let us know when u hear back from rich.