Happy New Year from Reefwise!


Premium Sponsor
Just wanted to take a second to thank all of you for the support you have given us this past year! It was an honor and a blast to host the Christmas Party. We will continue to grow in 2013 by finishing the fish systems, adding a clownfish system, adding a larger invert system, and adding two more coral troughs!

There are lots of fish and coral coming in this week! I am pretty excited about the coral planned.

Awesome fish as well...here are some of the highlights of fish coming in are

Flag Pennant Wrasse (cirrhilabrus joanallenae)
Kuteri Wrasse
Melanarus Wrasse
Labout's Wrasse
Lubbock's Wrasse

Borbonius Anthias
Lyretail Anthias
Resplendent Anthias

Purple Tangs

Shrimp & Goby Pairs
Green Band Goby
Sleeper Railway Goby

Potters Angel

Small Banded Cat Shark


Premium Sponsor
Here are a few quick pics while I am off of work! Lots of great stuff in stock...I personally love the Flag Pennant Wrasse (cirrhilabrus joanallenae).

Lots of Ultra Coral in Stock

Fully Quarantined Fish Ready for Sale

Borbonius Anthias

Achilles Tang

Sargassum Trigger

Lineatus Wrasse

Whitecap Goby

Flagfin Angel


Premium Sponsor
Looks Great Dan!

No pictures yet of the Flag Pennant yet....looks similar to the Naoko Fairy Wrasse.