hoevens wrasse, anyone besides me have one?

Hey guys I have a hoevens wrasse I've been having for a year, this guy is 5 inches now, very colorful. Has anyone had one before or has one? If so, how does yours act with other fish? One day to another he started hiding all the time, would come out only during feeding time, he was in a 55 gallon tank, I think maybe because I recently redid my tank with new livestock, triggers, can that he the cause? He might be scared? I've brought in different fish but until I introduced triggers be started doing this. Sorry guys can't upload pics,


New member
How many triggers with this wrasse in a 55g? Probably a very overstocked tank as is even without the added aggression of most triggerfish.


Premium member
If it is being picked on it will hide. Mine did the same thing when my tang picked on it. I agree with Ted though, that is a lot of aggression in a 55g. Most triggers require a min 125g tank. What triggers do you have? IMHO: You need to determine the level of aggression. Are the fins getting bit off or damaged then remove it. If it is just chase with no damage then monitor closely and leave. Long term I think you are going to have issues in a 55g w/ triggers.


Premium member
I've had wrasses with my triggers in the past. Generally, the triggers are dominant, but the wrasses did ok. I had a lunar wrasse years ago with two small triggers in a 55. If your triggers are anything but really small, you need a bigger tank. Even if they are really small, I'd start looking for a bigger tank. I don't think this combo of fish would be an issue in a larger tank. Also, what kind of triggers do you have? I saw you asking about an undulated trigger a few days ago and they are known to be the most aggressive out of all the triggers.


New member
I have one in my 120 gal. with two other wrasses. peaceful tank with no triggers or tangs. one spot foxface is the largest fish. he gets along with all the other fish. it's changing into a male now.
Well right now all I got is 6 inch clown, 5 inch Niger and 4.5 inch piccaso. I'm waiting on 100 gallon 6 footer tank that I'm buying, but I went ahead and got the triggers because I got them for once in a life time deal, and I couldn't pass it. But I do have a 36 bow front I'm planing to do coral in so I put the wrasse in there, I do feel bad but if anyone is interested I'm selling a hoevens wrasse, 5 inches let me know, also got a 5 inch yellow tang ima have to part with,
I'm planing to do an all trigger tank with that 100 gallon I'm getting. I'm looking for a blue jaw, pink tail and maybe either the bursa or Undulate


Active member
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the 100g is waaay to small for all those attitudes. About a 99.9 percent chance it wont end well. I only speak from my own experiences. I wish you luck.
I'm going to try with these guys, and see how it goes, up to now no aggression from anyone,because if we all really want to get technical, for instance tangs, need a lot of space to swim, so does that mean we can only keep one in for instance a 125g? I bet a lot of us must be overstocked then


Premium member
I'm going to try with these guys, and see how it goes, up to now no aggression from anyone,because if we all really want to get technical, for instance tangs, need a lot of space to swim, so does that mean we can only keep one in for instance a 125g? I bet a lot of us must be overstocked then
You posted asking for opinions. Which you will get here. It is about your tank right now but for the record 99.9 percent of the people on here would not put 6 tangs in a 100g tank. That is what you had posted. you have 3 triggers currently and wanted 3 more. We are just trying to save you a big head ache. The undulated Trigger to an aquarium is like letting an ax murder in your house. Never ends well for others.


Active member
Well said Chad. Advice is what you will get, even if its not what you are wanting to hear. Its your tank, do what you want. Will it work? Probably not. Just trying to save you a headache. I tried 6 of the supposedly most docile triggers in my 155g. Lasted a couple months at best. Also added an Undulated that had to be removed after a week. Gl on whatever you decide.


New member
I'm going to try with these guys, and see how it goes, up to now no aggression from anyone,because if we all really want to get technical, for instance tangs, need a lot of space to swim, so does that mean we can only keep one in for instance a 125g? I bet a lot of us must be overstocked then
Is what you want to hear that it'll be fine? Ok, it'll be fine, you can go ahead and keep arguably THE most aggressive fish we keep in a tank with at least two more triggers, including conspecifics, as well as anything else you want. Won't be overstocked, will never have any algae issues, and all of the fish will live long happy lives without stress or disease.

I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction.
Ok guys I'm going to try the clown, piccaso, Niger and blue throat in the 100 gal, fair enough? I'm taking all the opinions from you guys and I appreciate it, btw they'll be in 100 gal 6 foot long tank if that helps.


New member
Ok guys I'm going to try the clown, piccaso, Niger and blue throat in the 100 gal, fair enough? I'm taking all the opinions from you guys and I appreciate it, btw they'll be in 100 gal 6 foot long tank if that helps.
An adult clown can and often will be as bad as the undulated. I would do two max, one being the bluethroat.


Active member
Triggers are my favorite fish also. I have 3 in my 155g. Clown, Bluethroat, and a Queen. For now it's working, but I know at any time it can go south. Just be prepared, and keep an eye out for aggression. Gl.
Having a big tank for just two fish kinda sucks :/ [MENTION=513]ADOGG80[/MENTION] YOU HAVE A QUEEN?! That's a death sentence for your fish :angel5: even I wouldn't want a queen and I love triggers.


Active member
My tank is stocked full of fish, not just the triggers. Queen is no different than an Undulated, and most Clown Triggers. Bought him when he was tiny, and have raised him with other fish. Hopefully this will help the Queen to be tolerable of others. So far, so good. If/when the Queen becomes aggressive, he will get the boot.


New member
My tank is stocked full of fish, not just the triggers. Queen is no different than an Undulated, and most Clown Triggers. Bought him when he was tiny, and have raised him with other fish. Hopefully this will help the Queen to be tolerable of others. So far, so good. If/when the Queen becomes aggressive, he will get the boot.
Stop calling him queen. You're pissing him off :)

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