Osama bin Laden Dead


obama escalated the troops abroad.....moving people from 1 front to another isn't bringing people home. not to mention spending millions to give NATO planes and bombs, stuff ain't cheap to get 'ol omar.

my cousin got stop lost twice under bush, believe me there isn't much love, but dont act like nobama is some sort of humanitarian when hes doing the exact same thing bush did.

and bush didn't start anything, osama did.


New member
LOL. Bush went over for oil and we all know his ties big oil companies. Whether you like it or no your wonderful ex pres bush left a huge mess for whoever took office. It's hilarious for republicans to blame Obama for what's going now.... when ur left with a big mess its not cleaned up overnight. I would love to know what you people would be complaining about if mcain had won.


mccain would be 1000 times worse than obama for the simple fact that hes a big lib, and lies about it claiming to be a republican. at least obama doesn't claim not to be a big socialist.

if we went over there for oil, where is it? shortages are inflating prices all across the country. (we get a LOT less oil from the middle east than other sources like canada, common lib comment, big corporations are BAD!) just like the WMD's where are they? we got in there about 10 years too late and now syria has them all, or they halflifed and now are useless. nobody really knows why unless it was actually to overthrow a tyrannical dictator giving money and support to terrorists, like they said.

obama is a terrible president, and not to say anyone would have been better, but this guy is a genius not using his brain because he's following party line.
- sucessful devaluing of the dollar, in only 2 years.
- spend almost 4x what bush did in 8 years, in 2 years. and isn't fighting wars they are "de-escalating" campaigns, until Libya. should mean they are spending less.
- spreading of wealth, classic socalist. see how well that worked for Great Britain, whose now broke, doesn't produce anything, Sterling is not the world's currency, they have 0 pull in any markets, blah blah blah, bottom line there is socialism DOESNT work.
- demonizing the "rich"; the economy growers, the job creators, small business owners that are 90% vested in their companies without a pot to piss in.
- name calling conservatives that want them to just earn what they spend.

hes done a lot, and most of it hasn't been good. key on most, cuase i think some of the legislation on obamacare is fantastic, but they just went too far, i think restructuring of the 2 "campaigns" in the middle east was needed. killing this douche, essential.

and no im not a republican, i just call it how i see it, and i guess that makes me a conservative. and bush was far from conservative.


reagan fixed carter's mess in 16 months, with much more growth than 1%. yes 2 years is plenty of time, when you actually do what economist says to get the situation out of recession. spending more money and printing money with nothing but bad debt backing it, the guy replacing him in 2012 is going to have his hands actually full.

doesn't take more than 10 minutes of searching to find out this in fact happened before, 30 years ago, and it centered around gas prices surprise surprise, almost like history is repeating.


New member
Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!


New member
I'm just glad he's dead. For all it's worth, I think the SOB created more harm for his own people then he did for us. He loved killing, especially muslims.

What I don't like is to see is everyone in the streets smoking cigars and waving flags. I understand we all feel like we finally got the guy but really when you look at the tape, we don't look much better than all the past footage we've all seen of people cheering in the streets burning our flag. I think it would have been so much more powerful if we didn't do a thing, let CNN, NBC, Fox and all the networks report it. Nod our head and go about our business.

Either way, good riddance.


New member
So, Osama bin Laden is standing before God waiting to hear his punishment, when God gets a tap on the shoulder. Behind him stands 343 firefighters, 72 police officers, one K9 officer, 3,000 American citizens & over 5,000 soldiers. "Don't worry, God, we got this!"