I go to the fs threads all the time, to see what kind of deal is up for grabs. I just bought richiet frag tank setup and got a smoking deal. I look for what I want and if I don't find it then so be it, move on to other things. I've been with CR for a year now (paying member). I've been to one bbq, I am in my second paly grow out. Many of you who met me probably can't put the face to the tag name, just because I do live in Champaign and can't get up to the CHI area that often. But putting limits to those that have low posts just seems dumb. Its not that I don't participate, I just don't post all the time. Believe me, I have read over this forum many times to figure things out with my tanks, for fear of posting and getting the "It's already been posted" response. I read about members tanks whenever something new is posted. I try and give my input, if it happens to be a piece of equipment I own or have owned or had experience with. But it really bugs me when people start talking about minimum number of posts to participate in said thread. Just because someone doesn't post doesn't mean they are not actively involved in the forum. Either way they are going to make the sale or they are not, and if don't see their stuff selling then maybe they won't post as often. Maybe put a limit on how many FS threads can be active at one time or the number of times you can "bump" a thread in a given time period. As long as it stays in the FS thread I could care how often they post. Does it get in the way of the new forum posts? Sure, but then again, when something heated gets going in hidden reef, that takes up the whole new forum posts too. JMHO.