
looking to get a couple "cheaper" not "cheapest" powerheads for my 90 gallon, any suggestions?
thinking 2 instead of 1 to have some cross flow

brands? gph?
also anybody ever use sun suns? seen a guy on CL selling new ones 1300gph for 20, they look like the koralias...


Active member
looking to get a couple "cheaper" not "cheapest" powerheads for my 90 gallon, any suggestions?
thinking 2 instead of 1 to have some cross flow

brands? gph?
also anybody ever use sun suns? seen a guy on CL selling new ones 1300gph for 20, they look like the koralias...
I would recommend Koralia 4's. Theyre not too expensive new and go for cheap used (i sold a pair for $40). Those sun suns are a hit and miss, some have success while other complain of their cheapness. I personally have never tried them and try to stay away from that generic type of equipment. Wiz.


Active member
My friend bought a pair of those resun ph's and they caught on fire.You will soon learn that no hobby is cheap.
would two of the 1400s be too much... or should i go with the 1050s. i was told 2000-2500 gph flow was recomended. my ehiem retun pump is im assuming pushing around 3-400 gph now (1260-with a 4'+ rise)


New member
I think you should get 4 powerheads. I have a SeaSwirl, which flows my entire tank pumped back from the fuge/sump, in addition to 2 Evolutions. Good flow is more important than light!
4 huh, well ill need another powerstrip lol. ok so ill get the 1400 and add as needed when the corals start going in. thanx guys
ok so 1400 right side front mid level, 1050 left side (same as return) a little lower than mid tank in the front. and a 750 top back wall facing the front glass. what do u think?... am i thinking about this too hard?