Shovelman's little slice of terror!


ive told a couple people but i can order in groups of N. wennerae so once i get the 40g sump divided on my 34g peacock mantis tank, ill get a lot of 6 of the smaller species and anyone who has a PROPER tank/fuge for one can get one!


Really cool man hard to keep?
the N. wennerae mantis' or the tank? Mantis shrimp are in genera,l some of the hardiest saltwater critters you can keep with a few exceptions like the peacock mantis due to the need for excellent water conditions and no light to prevent shell rot, but besides the peacock mantis, most everything else is bullet proof. Great if you have a refugium or want a sump monster, just throw in appropriately sized snails or hermits in the tank and you really dont have to worry about anything else at that point. They generally only eat when hungry, so don't worry about over feeding to death, but due note that they will sometimes bury excess food. ummm lets see i could go on for hours but basically if your looking into these guys here is what you need to know. Live food is fun, they are interactive, smaller species like N. wennerae WILL NOT BREAK YOUR TANK. They are extremely intelligent (equivelent to owning an octopus, just hardier), come in all sorts of colors and colors can change with each molt, they will eat almost everything....and lastly, just please, pleaaaaase research these guys a little bit at least in terms of tanks size, yes they are considered pests, but are not deserving of that reputation. And if you ever know of someone who has trapped theirs or has one in their tank, let me know ;)


Also, Invite your friends over to your house for a beer and .... FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHT NIGHT!!!

Have people pay admission at your door to see your mantis shrimp beat the pulp out of a crab!