uh ohhhh white spots all over


Active member
came home today and doing work around tank skimmers feeding filter pads and such only to find that my kole tang looked really light almost pink looked closes and my thompson tang square anthias royal; gramma maybe my vlamingii and my one chromis all have whitespots some worse than others so i ran to my grab my uv only to find out that bulb is burnt out next reached for my ich attack and dry as a bone hmmm trouble just placed a order on f&s for a new bulb, new cover for my mag drive 24, and three bottes of ich attack within 7 days i can get this stuff running hopefully nothing will be lost ahhhhhhh this hobby has a love hate relationship keep yall posted :banghead:


New member
I have never treated ich. Ich shows up when fish are stressed out. If they are eating, I just focus on water parms, etc to figure out why they are stressed and deal with that. Ich will go away if the fish are healthy and not stressed.


Active member
Oh I agree. However I have a few fish with pricey tags so I'm going above and beyond to try and get it out. But I agree with u method. I think it came from the kole tang. Caught her scratching couple days ago and colors not so good. Strange because she used to eat nori and the fish it didn't get along with is gone now. Strange.


New member
If the food you are feeding isn't garlic enriched make sure you are adding it, also if you can attempt to hypo salinize. I had an ich outbreak years ago, did these two things and it went away in a week and never saw it again come up in the tank. It came with the last fish I added to the tank(blue hippo)and the tank ran for 4 years without ever popping back up.


New member
garlic enriched food, sure. Try dosing you tank with garlic too, reef safe. It'll make your tank stink really bad, but it has helped me in the past when I had an outbreak after adding tangs. Thank god I'm done adding tangs.


Active member
Yea puffer same system but didn't show up until I added my nrw tang. I would never give a fish without the recipient knowing about it first. Don't worry your fish was safe.


New member
OK, I've been watching him like a hawk, since I saw your post. He looks fine & all the other fish really like him. The Convict tang follows him around like he's a remora (silly fish!). I have eradicated crypt with high doses of VC though.


Active member
Sorry to hear about the ich outbreak. Unfortunately almost everyone will go through it. IME, garlic, uv sterilizer, good water quality, and feeding the fish well usually does the trick assuming the tank isn't overcrowded and a stress free environment. Good luck and keep us updated


Active member
still havent got any of the stuff i ordered but appears to be present only on the thompson tang wew that could have been bad on a side note my male red tail wrasse jumped in overflow and made its way thru filtration and sucked up by mag drive 18 mag drive won fish was destroyed another 130 down the drain


Active member
Ok got my shipment. Although thing are taking turn towards good. I'm still hooking up uv and mag drive 24. Ill start dozing my ich attack. Hopefully everything. Will come around.


New member
That goofy wrasse of yours hasn't been eating any flatworms. I think he's too fat! All the fish seem to like him though. :)


Active member
He's not my wrasse anymore. Lol. Glad there are playing nice. He does eat like a pig at feeding. Hope it does its job for ya


New member
whats the most reliable medication that is reef safe for removing ich? i was looking at my tuskfish i got from DD and my rabbit fish and they both had a couple small white specs. i figured it was ick so i dosed with some reef safe stuff from petsmart but i dont think it worked to well but as an added precaution i took all of my expensive fish out and dipped them in freshwater. hopefully it goes away now but just in case it doesnt id like to be ready to take it on.


New member
There is no such thing as "reef safe" ich medication. Hypo-salinity QT seems to be an effective and low stress treatment, and doesnt require the use of any chemicals.


Active member
ill rephrase and say i didnt have any issues whith using this with anything in my tank sps lps softie clams shrimp snails crabs and so on