What salt do you use?

liven learn

New member
I use fluval reef salt. Very high quality mag. Best salt I have used so far. Pet haven pet shop has buckets for only 59.99.


Reef Crystals here as well, I don't let it mix for anymore than 48 hours though, usually try for just 24 and I've done 12 before too.


Premium member
It seems everyone uses RC I'm going to try red sea for awhile and see if I like it better

Curious what doesn't mix up clear for you? Is it just the brown mixing bucket buildup, is it white CA flakes that settle to the bottom of the bucket or cloudy/milky water?


Active member
After the salt has been mixing for 24 hours, the saltwater becomes slightly murky and there is a small film from not enough surface agitation. RSCP doesn't do this. I'd rather spend more money and feel better or have any doubts about the salt I use. I will use RC until my bucket is gone but once it's gone I think I'm going to switch.
Curious what doesn't mix up clear for you? Is it just the brown mixing bucket buildup, is it white CA flakes that settle to the bottom of the bucket or cloudy/milky water?


New member
I use Tropic Marin Bio-Actif. Used Red Sea Pro and Salinity before, and I prefer Tropic Marin. Mixing instructions not as picky.

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Premium member
I'm on RC too. I see the brown sludge, but it is minimal and I don't worry about it. I usually only mix overnight though. I also have a big powerhead running in it at all times. I've mixed for as few as a couple of hours with no problem.


Active member
Now that this thread came back up I would like to say that I must have had an old bucket of RC that was causing the murky water. Every single batch of SW with a new bucket of salt has been very clear and fast mixing. The old batch was very clumpy and rock like.


Active member
I do the same I'll leave it in a bucket with a pump and heater for maybe and hour or so. Just long enough for it to clear up.
Mines clear within minutes. No powerhead or heater. I just put salt in bucket then stir with a pvc pipe and boom done



Well-known member
I've done it that way for years and have been plenty successful. I've never understood the rational behind the 24-48 rule.


I've used both RC and RSCP. I switched a few years ago to RSCP and saw no difference at all. Since RSCP is more expensive than RC, I switched back. I mix the water in a 30 gallon empty glass aquarium for 24 hours. The pump generally heats it well enough on its own without a heater. It's been working for years now so I don't plan to change anything. Brown sludge is very minimal. I only notice something after 20 or 30 mixing sessions.